CC Articles Pages


- Aquatic Setups
- Semi-aquatic Setups
- Terrestrial Setups
- Glass Divider Setups
- More Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Setups
- Vivarium Building Projects

Aquarium Invaders Wood for Use in Vivaria

Water Quality
Cycling an Aquarium for Aquatic AnimalsWater Quality for Aquatic Caudates
Use of Bottled Water for Amphibians

Nutritional Values of Amphibian Foods
Worms Microfoods for Caudate Larvae
Reproduction & Rearing
Sexing CaudatesRaising Newt and Salamander Eggs
Raising Juvenile Cynops orientalis
Why Larvae Die
Odds of Getting a Pair from Juveniles
Making Egg Laying Strips
Health & Illness

Treatment of Sores and Wounds in Caudates
Salt Solutions in Treating Salamander Diseases
Bloat in Newts
Euthanasia for Amphibians
Quarantine and Disinfection
Metabolic Bone Disease

Caudate Longevity
Fish with Caudates
Don't Do This! Captive Care Catastrophes
What kind of Fire Belly is it?
Toxicity of Newts
Newt Toxins
Photographing Salamanders
Shipping Caudates
Species-specific Articles
How Smart and How Social Is My Tiger Salamander?
"Greeting" Behavior in Tiger Salamanders

Pseudotriton: Red and Mud Salamanders
Salamandra Species & Subspecies Guide
Torrent Salamanders (Rhyacotriton) in Oregon and California
Taxonomy of Some of the Salamandrids
Husbandry and Breeding of Taricha granulosa
Defense Mechanisms of the Spanish Ribbed Newt
Observation de Paramesotriton guangxiensis dans son milieu naturel

Field Observations in Chiang Mai, Thailand, of Tylototriton verrucosus, the Himalayan Crocodile Newt
Tiger Salamander 101: Care Guide for the Beginner
General Husbandry of Terrestrial (Fossorial) Caecilians in Captivity

Breeding the Hong Kong Warty Newt, Paramesotriton hongkongensis
Research Articles
Osteoclasts/Giant Cells in Regenerating Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) Spinal Cord Meninges. An Unexpected Presence. 2.8 Mb, research presentation by Ellen A.G. Chernoff, Teri Belecky-Adams, Hai V. Nguyen-Salfity, Sarah T. Scott and Hidehito Takenaka (IUPUI-Department of Biology), 2016.
Food Habits of the Mole Salamander Ambystoma talpoideum in Montgomery County, Tennessee 5.5 Mb, Master's thesis by Jonathan Wert, 1968.
Reproductive behaviour of the Alpine newt Triturus alpestris: Mating and oviposition preferences, a research study by Alberto Joven, 2009.
Biodiversity in a Suburban Reservation: Amphibians in the Middlesex Fells 2 Mb, Master's thesis by Matt Gage, 2012.